The Palazzo, Las Vegas photo credit Vegas Reviews
Saving Pennies by Vegas Reviews
Most of us Vegas Lovers are barely getting through life just paying for our bills, taxes, doing our best to look after our kids and grandchildren with what little money we have, so it's a big commitment for us to place down $300 - $400 (per couple) to be able to see a Superstar entertainer. We'll never become the "Whales" of Vegas where money is of little concern. But you know what we do have ? We have our families, our children and grandchildren, who are priceless!
As a Vegas Lover I truly can say we love our time in Vegas and, my wife and I are eagerly saving our pennies for our next vacation. It's never a vacation if you have to come home to paying off your bills, so we save and save, just like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter. So when it's time to visit Vegas, we're ready to enjoy every minute of our Vaca ( my daughter, Tianndra says that's short for vacation. It's hard to keep up with all the abbreviations - lol).
It's Vegas Baby !
Looking down on the pool scene from the 16th floor of ARIA Resort, Las Vegas Photo credit Vegas Reviews/ Bari
If you look after your pennies and keep to your budget, Las Vegas can be the most affordable holiday. If you spend all your time in the casinos? Well, no matter how you try, the casino always ends up with your hard earned cash. So it's important to play responsibly and keep to your budget, otherwise you'll end up going home disappointed.
One young couple was a part of my FB Page : Vegas Reviews, you follow today. They were newbies to Las Vegas and didn't heed to my suggestions of keeping to that budget. Both came back, saying," Vegas is overrated."
I have to differ with their words because as us Vegas Lovers know, Vegas has a lot to offer if and only IF you SAVE for your vacation and keep to your BUDGET. In other words, expect to pay $150 - $200 a day per person. Go enjoy your favourite restaurant, tour or entertainment of your choice. Go ahead and sip on that favourite alcoholic drink of your choice, costing you $15 - $30 per drink. Of course it's an expense you normally wouldn't spend at home... BUT YOU ARE ON VACATION. Trust me, when I say you're going to spend that kind of money elsewhere too. Any sweet spot referred to as a popular holiday spot, you're going to spend even more money. Hawaii is a good example, and so is Tahiti and the Caribbean Islands.
The point is, in Las Vegas, you can spend as much as you want or as much as YOU can afford, it's up to YOU.
I suggest save for the next vacation even if it takes 2-5 years. When you're ready, it will be the best VACA you've ever had, simply because you won't have to worry about coming home to bills you can't pay and faced with high credit card charges. It's vital you pay off your credit card statement after each month, otherwise you'll become a slave to society. You'll no longer have the choice to enjoy what YOU want to enjoy, because you're up to your neck, drowning in bills.
Never become a slave and always save your hard-earned money
💰you'll not only pay less in the long run but YOU will enjoy your life more, making your own choices and NOT on the "Treadmill of Life" where others dictate what YOU do.

Here's a look at one of the tower rooms at Luxor,Las Vegas Photo Credit Vegas Reviews/Bari
Anyway - I hope you come to enjoy Vegas under a responsible controlled vacation, where YOU makes the choices. I sound like a finance adviser- lol, but I'm not. Just by experience I know how to live within-my-means, meaning I look after my pennies first and foremost.
Hope you enjoy my short article today on spending your pennies in Las Vegas.
Explore my Vegas Reviews and more tips and suggestions on my Vegas Review Website or try my wordpress site too.
Thank you for following me on Vegas Reviews, where I tell you as it is and NOT persuaded or associated by any Vegas business or Resort. I'm just a Vegas Lover enjoying Vegas as much as I can afford - that's all. My wife and I have been going to Vegas since the 1980's. My goodness, that's 37 years - whoa